The most powerful system to search the availability of material and its current status in vast library is OPAC the powerful search system. This can help you is view complete details of any material desired if it is present/procured by the library.
The various options are available in this software to create your own query and as easy as plying with simple toys. It is also not require complete word/phrase you are searching for, just few which distingue it with others are sufficient OR also you can refine your search.
The various options are :
1. Author wise
2. Title wise
3. Publisher wise
4. Subject wise

Syed Imran Ali
How still and peaceful is a Library ! It Seems quiet as the grave, tranquil as heaven, a cool collection of the thoughts of the men of all times. And yet, approach and open the pages, and you find them full of dissension and disputes, alive with abuse and detraction – all shades of volume satire upon man, written by himself….. what a broad thing is a library – all shades of opinion reflected on its catholic bosom, as the sunbeams and shadows of summer’s day upon the ample mirror of a lake. George Gilfillan The institution has a model library having collection of over 16931 volumes of National and International published books, Encyclopedia and General Reference material. It has verities of journals, magazines, News papers and other periodicals giving latest information on Science, Engg. & Technology, Social Science and Humanity. A Good spacious reading room is provided to students. It is giving OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) facility for retrieving information of library. Whenever needed open access facility to stack is given to students and teaching Staff. Book Bank facility is provided to SC/ST students to whom the Scholarship is awarded form the Deptt. of Social Welfare, Mah. State.
SR.No | PARTICULARS | Library facility available as on date |
1 | Number of Volumes | 16931 |
2 | Number of Titles | 3738 |
3 | Number of Journals National /International | 24 |
4 | Reprographic facility | 01 |
5 | Seating Capacity | 100 |
- Automated library
- Reprographic
- On Line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)
- Open access
- Off line/Printed journals, periodicals and Magazines
- Reading Section
- News paper Clipping
- Current Awareness
- Book Bank
- Reference
- Multimedia
- Books Issue-Return

Books Issue-Return Counter Reprographic Section
2- If asked by the library staff, the students must show the Identity card. In case, a student does not produce it, he/she will not be permitted to enter into library.
3- Ex-student or any outsider is permitted to use the Library Facilities, if they produce the written permission from the Principal /Librarian of respective college.
4- Every student or any person who wishes to enter in library should sign the Register maintained by library.
5- A person found mutilating the pages of the book or damaging it shall be debarred from using the library.
6- Reference books like year book, encyclopedia project report and journals will not be issued. These can be referred to in the library reading room only.
7- Writing on books or pages by Ink or Pencil is strictly prohibited. If it is found, It shall be considered as damaging the book and action shall be taken.
8- A Complete silence and strict discipline will be maintained in the library / Reading room.
9- Re-issue of books will depend upon the demand for the same.